It's been way too long since I did a vitamin post. Sorry about that. I have to say that we have been eating a lot more paprika because of how many times it kept turning up in the "Top Ten" lists. Even my teenage daughter has started adding it to things she makes.
Today's vitamin is B5. I cannot believe how important it is. "Pantothenic" comes from the Greek word panthos which means "everywhere". As you may guess this vitamin is found in every living cell - pretty important I'd say. B5 helps our adrenal glands in the formation of hormones and we need it for the producing healthy red blood cells. Since it's so closely related to our adrenal glands this vitamin is a real stress-buster.
Our intestinal bacteria can manufacture this vitamin, but if you want to supplement here are some tasty ways to work it into your diet. Top of the list is organ meats - I just have to say we won't be going this route. Then there are egg yolks, nuts, vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, bran and milk. It's nice that such an important vitamin is easy to work into our diet. It looks like our diet has this pretty much covered thankfully (except for the organ meat ☺).
How about a breakfast for supper meal with some vegies thrown into the eggs?
The information about Vitamin B3 comes from the Encyclopedia of Natural Healing, Alive Publishing Group, 1997.