
Wednesday, 6 November 2013

What I Watch

I thought I'd share my list of channels I'm subscribed to on YouTube with a short reason why I did. So in no particular order here they are...

Bored Shorts TV - This is seriously funny. They are short clips from two to three minutes, and if you need a laugh head here. Basically they have two children describe an adult situation. Then they have adult actors lip sync and act out what the children have said. I. always. laugh. To date this is my favourite - Math Class. You have to watch this. Every homeschooling mom will so feel the teachers stress as he deals with a student who just doesn't get it.

Rosanna Pansino - This girl has a lot on her channel that I don't watch, but she has some interesting/fun cake decorating ideas which my daughter and I have done.

LEGO - enough said

Hoops and Yoyo - my favourite cartoon characters after Snoopy. These guys always make me laugh.

CakeBossVEVO - We like watching Buddy and his crew create impossibly fantastic cakes. We also like watching the family dynamics.

Homestead Blessings - This is a mom and her three daughters who have done a series of videos (for purchase or from your library) about various homesteading activities - sewing, quilting, baking, soap and candle making, canning, etc. On their channel they give little hints on short videos.

GNOWFGLINS - a channel dealing with natural ways of cooking and living

TheTHMchannel - There aren't many videos up on this channel. It's for the Trim Healthy Mama diet.

TerrapinStation - Again, I don't watch much from this channel, but they have a fabulous playlist for Baby Einstein videos which are kind of essential viewing for our toddler. The link should take you directly to the playlist.

 Eva Joy - My daughter's channel...a lot of A Tale of Two Cities concert, Sue Thomas clips and a few family videos.

So, what are your favourite YouTube channels?


  1. How do you get your own YouTube channel? I should put some of Pierre's music up!
    I don't do much on YouTube but you have DEFINITELY peeked my interest :)

    1. Yes - put up Pierre's music. Get with Eva-Joy about setting up a YouTube channel. She'll know. :)

  2. Lol my you tube viewing seems to be a mix of craft tutorials and gymnastics, silly things, dance routines etc that the girls have watched but I dont want to subscribe to! And of course my own youtube channel ;)

    1. Sounds like mine - stuff for me, stuff for my children.

  3. Jennifer, I completely forget about YouTube entertainment...always. Even though I periodically view videos people post on their blogs and Facebook, it has not ever registered that I can find both informational and entertaining videos there. Thanks for reminding me. Going to check out Bored Shorts!

    Rachel recently posted The 16 Habits of Highly Unsuccessful Women

    1. I think you can find anything you want on YouTube. I love the teaching videos. It's nice to see someone doing something.

  4. I love this idea of posting your favourite Youtube channels - I have a lot I've subscribed to and rarely watch. Though I mean to and want to make comments! I'm definitely going to subscribe to your first one cos I love watching kids and I love to laugh!
    Thx for the idea

    1. You will not be disappointed with Bored Shorts. It's an interesting concept and very funny.
