This week I’ve been able to do several things to promote the health of our family. The one thing I least expected to be able to do I’m very happy about.
As I said a couple of weeks ago, my husband and I are starting a new eating plan described in the book “Trim Healthy Mama“. The first week my husband was off work so it was easy to set him up for all is food. This week he was back to work and I needed to send lunches. I wasn’t sure how it would go, but I was surprised. It went well. I was able to send him to work every day with a nutritious lunch that was “on plan”.
If you are looking for a way to lose weight or feel healthier, I really urge you to check out this book - Trim Healthy Mama. In twelve short days it has made an incredible difference for my husband and I. I have lost nearly seven pounds, but beyond that my headaches have disappeared, my sugar and carb cravings gone, my mood swings just about history – I am a woman after all.
There is a bit of a learning curve which scared me at first, but I find that every day it gets easier. There is a great support group on Facebook. You can get encouragement, meal ideas and questions answered. I haven’t followed the plan 100% – my husband took me out for lunch at the Mandarin yesterday, but it has been so good when we have followed the plan. And when I came home from the Mandarin? Well, the next time I was hungry I just went right back to it…no guilt.
What else have I done this week – got back to my online exercise programme (someday I’ll post about that), let my children help me more in the kitchen, found a recipe for homemade CHOCOLATE ice cream which I did tweak a little, took a walk one afternoon before our weather turned nasty, enjoyed my children from big to little. It’s been a good week.
So what did you do for your health this week?
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