I was going to put this up yesterday, but with one thing and another I wasn’t able to.
Anyway, this week we made our annual trek to a farmer’s store – Oak Manor Farms - where they sell all kinds of organic grains. We bought 260 kg (573 lb) of various grains. Some I only bought a small amount of like pot barley and a creamy brown rice cereal because I’m not sure if we’ll like them. We also bought quick cooking oatmeal (for no-bakes! and other cookies), steel cut oats, hard wheat berries, rye berries, spelt and yellow split peas. We also bought 10 litres (2 1/2 gal) of maple syrup. It feels so good to have all these grains again. We started finishing up last years supply just last week. We’ve been making do with store-bought bread or white flour – not our favourite.
What did you do this week to improve your health?

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