I thought I would start a new series and share weekly (hopefully) what we’ve been reading in our family. It may give you some ideas for reading in your family. Any books marked with a * can be found for free on Kindle. Happy Reading.
Me – The Lost Wagon* – Jim Kjelgaard
14-year-old daughter – A Little Princess* – Frances Hodgson Burnett – a re-read which shows it’s a good one
13-year-old son – The Basil of Baker Street Series - Eve Titus – a bit below his level but a fun read

11-year-old son – Canadian Attack and Support Planes and the Big Book of Riddles
9-year-old daughter – 5 Nancy Drews
7-year-old daughter – She’s been reading a lot of Peanuts and Family Circus books. It’s so fun when they can read what the picture is about and “get” the joke. She’s also been reading “The Boxcar Children” for school so I’ve been hearing it repeated to me almost verbatim. Sound familiar, Mom?

5-year-old son – He cannot read for himself yet but still loves books. Here are a couple that were read to him this week…
Mop Top by Don Freeman (author of “Corduroy”) and Rooster’s Off to See the World by Eric Carle

2-year-old son – Teddy Bear’s Fun to Learn. We discovered this book with our oldest daughter. We have worn out three copies and really need to order another one. This is Ethan’s all-time favourite which is saying a lot because he LOVES books. My husband has never read these books word-for-word to our children. Instead, he has made up his own story for each page and it becomes more detailed with every child. They all love to hear how Daddy is embellishing the book for the newest toddler, and we’ve had a lot of laughs at what he comes up with.

So there you have a small sampling of what we’ve been enjoying reading this week. Have we interested you at all? What have you been reading?
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