Saturday 22 June 2013

Library Time Week 3

Sign up for our library's reading club started today so I know that we'll be going sometime next week to do this.
I don't have a list of books this week, but I thought I would review a book that my younger girls and I are reading...The Lost Prince by Frances Hodgson Burnett. You might recognize her as the author of The Little Princess and The Secret Garden. You can buy the book at Amazon or get it free on your Kindle.

This is a story about a 12-year-old boy who along with his father is an exile from Samavia. They spend their lives fleeing from one European country to another always awaiting the day when they can return to Samavia. Then they are given an assignment - prepare the Samavian people to rise up against their current rulers and accept their lawful prince as ruler. Once more they are on the run but this time with a purpose.
Who is the prince? Will everyone be ready in time? Will Samavia finally be free as her people long for?
I loved this book as a child and read it many times. It's full of the action and mystery which all children love especially when it is a child that is the hero. I'm having fun introducing my children to it.

What is a favourite book from your childhood?

1 comment:

  1. I love The Little Prince. :) Now you have me inspired!
