Friday 12 July 2013

Storing Memories

I do a lot of storing in our home and preserving - fruits, vegetables, pictures, fabric for future projects, dry goods. This week we are storing up memories. After more than five years my sister and her family were able to come visit us. My two younger daughters have been soaking up games, giggles, play time, secrets with my sister's two oldest daughters. It is so wonderful to see my sister and her family. I grew up in a close family - something distance and time cannot break. So this post is short because we're enjoying our visit and stretching every minute to it's max because this visit will soon be over. When they're gone then the preserving will start with pictures scrapbooked and journaled. All these precious moments to be enjoyed over and over again as we wait for the next time we get to see each other.

What are your favourite memories with your family?


  1. Sara and Amy had such an amazing time playing with the girls too. Teddy for some reason still talks about Micah and Noah as well...although I don't think that Lizzy will mention Ethan! lol :)

  2. No, and Ethan won't talk about Lizzie. :) I hope we don't have to wait so long to see each other again. :)
