There are so many wonderful resources out there now that women did not have access to even thirty years ago.
My greatest support has been my husband - hands down. He has made meals, bought cream, let my cry, provided quiet by taking the children out so I could nap and just plain encouraged me when I was overwhelmed. I have also been blessed with an extended family and a church who support me. Beyond that here is a list of online resources.
The first one that comes to mind is La Leche League. This is a breastfeeding support group that meets all over the world. It now meets in more than sixty countries. The women who lead the sessions are volunteers and the emphasis of the group is on mother-to-mother support. I have thoroughly enjoyed going to these meetings over the years. The group was started in 1956 by a group of seven moms who saw a need for more support in this area. They have now grown into an international organization recognized as a leading authority on breastfeeding. Their most famous book The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding is in its 8th edition. I have three different editions of this - the first, one from the middle and the . You do not have to be a member to go to the meetings although membership is encouraged because the money is used to help women who have issues with breastfeeding. They also have an extensive website with lots of help and advice. On the website you can also look up a group for your area. There is also a Facebook page here.

Another well-known breastfeeding supporter is Dr. Jack Newman. He runs the Newman Breastfeeding Clinic which is a part of the International Breastfeeding Center in Toronto, Canada. I actually went to this clinic with Baby #6 because he was tongue-tied. Dr. Jack clipped his tongue and the relief in nursing was immediate. There is a wealth of information on this site. is another good source of information. I have not looked at this site extensively, but the leaders at my La Leche groups often recommend it to moms who are struggling with some breastfeeding issue. Just a fleeting glance shows that this site covers just about any question you might have.
A blogger that I read on a regular basis, The Humbled Homemaker, has just started a weekly series on Tuesdays about everything breastfeeding. By following this link it will take you to this series. These posts are on different breastfeeding topics. They are short and to-the-point. It's amazing the amount of information that can be packed into a post.
So there you have it. These are what I consider the top resources. If you know of a new mom who is struggling (or are one yourself) I cannot recommend highly enough looking for a La Leche League group in your area. Their book, The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, is a fantastic gift for any mom who is nursing or planning on it.
What is/was your best breastfeeding support?
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