Oh the joy of feeling healthy again. I've been carefully following all of my naturopath's suggestions, and I feel totally better except for an occasional cough. Also, the baby has been sleeping better since I am being more intentional about getting solids into him. Extra sleep is always good.
So this week has been one of getting back on track with getting the house clean and organized. I'm slowly going through the various areas of our home and purging. Right now I have two huge bags waiting to go to the thrift store and at the beginning of the week I sent out four boxes and two bags. It is such a good feeling. I appreciate opening up the closet in our washroom and seeing empty spaces on the shelves. Empty is good. It's peaceful.
I've also been able to get back to sewing. On Monday I took our two youngest daughters fabric shopping. They picked out fabric for a skirt and dress each. I was a little apprehensive going into the store because my middle daughter is notorious for taking forever to shop. However, both girls immediately knew what they wanted. I still made them look around a little, but they stayed with their initial choices. Their skirts are finished already, and I will do a post soon explaining how I did them. It is a simple no-pattern skirt.
I also made a new recipe tonight. Not just a new-to-me-I-found-this-on-the-internet-let's-try-it recipe. I mean, I made the recipe, AND my family loved it. My husband is fairly particular about how food should taste, and he loved it. So I'll be sharing that soon too.
It was a great week. We're back on track with school, a clean house, sewing and fixing meals/baking again.

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