I know I have not been posting this week. I have been hit by a head cold that just won't quit. I finally went to my naturopath. She gave me lots of good advice for things I can do to help my body strengthen my immune system. We both think that perhaps nursing a toddler who a) is quite large and b) shows little interest in solids is probably very hard on my body at this point. So I'm taking a tonic she gave me, drinking nettle tea (it's nutrient dense), getting serious about taking my supplements regularly, trying to get a little healthier in my food choices (when you don't feel well you tend to just eat what's quick and easy not necessarily what's best) and trying to get rest. For the rest I'm trying to take advantage of older children who can watch the little ones and just put my feet up more. I think the plan is working, and I hope to be back to a more regular schedule next week.
There was one nice day at the beginning of the week. I felt pretty good and was able to hang diapers on the line. Oh, how good that felt. They are so pretty. I'm holding on to this picture as a promise of warmer days to come.
Of course, resting means I'm doing a little more reading. One book I really enjoyed this week was A Cast of Stones by Patrick W. Carr. It's a fantasy which I'm not a huge fan of, but every once in a while I read one. This one did not disappoint. In fact, I've asked for the other two volumes in the series for Mother's Day. In this mystical kingdom evil has been held at bay for centuries because of the sacrifice made by the founding king. As long as there is an heir the kingdom is safe, but King Rodran is dying and he has no heir. What will happen now? How will evil be kept out of the kingdom?

15-year-old daughter - I recommended A Cast of Stones to my daughter, and she is currently enjoying it. I like it when we read the same books and can discuss their merits and/or downfalls.
13-year-old son - Apparently he didn't read much this week. He can't think of anything. ☺
12-year-old son - Blood and Iron: Building the Railway by Paul Yee. This must be a good one because both of my older boys have read it more than once. It's about building the Canadian railway in the 1800's.
10-year-old daughter - The Emily Carr Mystery by Eric Wilson
8-year-old daughter - Dolly Madison, Quaker Girl by Helen Albee Monsell. This is from the series "The Childhood of Famous Americans". They are easy chapter books. Reading them gives beginning readers a real sense of accomplishment. Many are still available but are in paperback. The ones I read growing up were hardback, and they are the ones we have been able to find used.
6-year-old son - Horton Hatches an Egg by Dr. Seuss
3-year-old son - The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss
Baby Boy - He as fallen in love with the book that my husband has read to all of our children when they are babies and toddlers (and sometimes beyond) - Teddy Bear's Fun to Learn First 1000 Words by Nicola Baxter. I think we are on our fifth copy of this book. It is a much beloved book. I gave the French version of it to my sister who married a man from Quebec so her children could share in the joy.

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