Quite often food is mentioned in literature. We relate to people when they eat because it's one way we relate to each other in life as well.
One book in particular comes to mind - Farmer Boy - by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The meals Almanzo and his family eat are often described dish after delicious dish. Just to whet your appetite for the book here is an example of one breakfast.
"When Almanzo trudged into the kitchen next morning with two brimming milk-pails, Mother was making stacked pancakes because this was Sunday.
The big blue platter on the stove's hearth was full of plump sausage cakes; Eliza Jane was cutting apple pies and Alice was dishing up oatmeal, as usual. But the little blue platter stood hot on the back of the stove, and ten stacks of pancakes rose in tall towers on it.
Ten pancakes cooked on the smoking griddle, and as fast as they were done Mother added another cake to each stack and buttered it lavishly and covered it with maple sugar. Butter and sugar melted together and soaked the fluffy pancakes and dripped all down their crisp edges.
That was stacked pancakes. Almanzo liked them better than any other kind of pancakes.
Mother kept on frying them till the others had eaten their oatmeal. She could never make too many stacked pancakes. They all ate pile after pile of them..."
Now compare that with Jane Eyre's first breakfast at Lockwood.
"The refectory was a great, low-ceiled, gloomy room; on two long tables smoked basins of something hot, which, however, to my dismay, sent forth an odour far from inviting. I saw a universal manifestation of discontent when the fumes of the repast met the nostrils of those destined to swallow it; from the van of the procession, the tall girls of the first class, rose the whispered words -
'Disgusting! The porridge is burnt again!'
'Silence!' ejaculated a voice; ... A long grace was said and a hymn sung; then a servant brought in some tea for the teachers, and the meal began.
Ravenous, and now very faint, I devoured a spoonful or two of my portion without thinking of its taste; but the first edge of hunger blunted, I perceived I had got in hand a nauseous mess; burnt porridge is almost as bad as rotten potatoes; famine itself soon sickens over it. The spoons were moved slowly: I saw each girl taste her food and try to swallow it; but in most cases the effort was soon relinquished. Breakfast was over, and none had breakfasted. Thanks being returned for what we had not got, and a second hymn chanted, the refectory was evacuated for the schoolroom. I was one of the last to go out, and in passing the tables, I saw one teacher take a basin of the porridge and taste it; she looked at the others; all their countenances expressed displeasure, and one of them, the stout one, whispered -
'Abominable stuff! How shameful!'"
I would imagine your breakfast falls somewhere in between these two. ~smile~
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I'm glad my breakfasts fall between those two - haha. I'm not a huge eater at 7am but being that Pierre wants breakfast eaten then so that the kids are actually AWAKE for family devotions - I have been getting up and making all breakfast. I have my devotions at 6am and then put on some gorgeous music from Calvary Quartet and spent "quiet time" in the kitchen, cooking and cleaning. I have come to love this time of the morning and coming up with fun and healthy food items has been fulfilling :)
ReplyDeleteI could eat a huge breakfast in the morning, but then I'm nursing a toddler several times a night still. :)