"Mommy, I hungy. I hungy." My youngest is very persistent, and this is something I hear several times a day. I have to weigh whether he's truly hungry or just bored. He does need something mid-morning. Four hours between meals is just too long for anyone to go without becoming cranky. During the morning I need to have quick and easy snacks that don't interrupt my teaching. Below is a list of things we like to snack on that are fast and don't really need any (or much) prep:
- apple slices with peanut butter
- yogurt with honey or maple syrup
- raisins or apricots
- bread with peanut butter or jam
- leftover pancakes with a topping - They truly are good cold.
- cheese
- pickled eggs - super easy to make
- one or two slices of salami - This is one his dad gives him. I can't stand even the smell of salami. ☺
- Ryvita crackers
- smoothies
He prefers to lick the peanut butter off. ☺ |
In case you need more ideas I have several snack ideas pinned on my Pinterest "Food" board. Here are a list of posts from other blogs with much long snack ideas than I have here.
- 10 Non-Perishable Snack Ideas
- 40 Non-Processed Snacks for Busy Moms
- How to Make a Smoothie (chart)
- 46 Ways to Serve Fruits and Veggies at Snacktime
- 100 Healthy Snack Ideas
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