Wednesday 4 December 2013

Toddler Fun - Snacks

"Mommy, I hungy. I hungy." My youngest is very persistent, and this is something I hear several times a day. I have to weigh whether he's truly hungry or just bored. He does need something mid-morning. Four hours between meals is just too long for anyone to go without becoming cranky. During the morning I need to have quick and easy snacks that don't interrupt my teaching. Below is a list of things we like to snack on that are fast and don't really need any (or much) prep:
  • apple slices with peanut butter
  • yogurt with honey or maple syrup
  • raisins or apricots
  • bread with peanut butter or jam
  • leftover pancakes with a topping - They truly are good cold.
  • cheese
  • pickled eggs - super easy to make
  • one or two slices of salami - This is one his dad gives him. I can't stand even the smell of salami. ☺
  • Ryvita crackers
  • smoothies
He prefers to lick the peanut butter off. ☺

In  case you need more ideas I have several snack ideas pinned on my Pinterest "Food" board. Here are a list of posts from other blogs with much long snack ideas than I have here.

After seeing so many good ideas, I think I need to shake up our snack time. How about you? Did anything catch your eye? What does your little one snack on?

Have you entered the giveaway yet?

Toddler Fun Posts:
Beads and Pipe Cleaners

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